J&J Med Tech Impella Heart Pumps

By updating the photography, copy, and graphics on the Impella homepage and adding relevant information for high-risk patients, we increased the duration of page visits, resulting in more conversions.

01 — Project details

We were tasked with increasing patient consults via paid ads, emails, and direct marketing campaigns. Our client's goal was to get 500 patient consultations per month.

02 — Creative process

Our initial approach involved assessing our target audience—potentially high-risk heart failure patients—and delivering targeted messaging through multi-channel marketing. We researched, identified, and refined the patient journey, making continuous adjustments as necessary.

We exceeded our monthly goals in the first quarter of the campaign.


increase in patient consults


increase in patient print kit requests

Diane Vair

520 Clover Street, Rochester, NY | (585) 794-3377 | dhvair@gmail.com

© Diane Vair, 2024