B. Baby's Hot Honey

01 — Project details

My client was looking for concepts for his newly established hot honey brand. He had been working on it independently but soon realized he could use some help. I provided some fresh thinking and new ideas and he was ecstatic with the outcome.

They look awesome and there are definitely concepts that I would like to explore! I am excited to see what this will turn into and look forward to working on this with you. Thank you very much!  

— Christian Schneller, B. Baby's

— Veronica Levinsky, Head of Marketing at Copyfolio

02 — Creative process

When I learned that my client was dissatisfied with the designs he received from his colleague, I immediately began creating new options based on his input. Energized by our initial phone conversation, I developed 11 concepts in one night. Below is the final concept he chose.

Diane Vair

520 Clover Street, Rochester, NY | (585) 794-3377 | dhvair@gmail.com

© Diane Vair, 2024